The strange death of a young woman, whose body was found on January 1 in a forest near the village of Nizhny Kuranykh

The strange death of a young woman,
whose body was found on January 1 in a forest near the village of Nizhny Kuranykh. The young woman left home on December 30th. She was found without outer clothing. No trace of violence was found on the body.

Here are the possible reasons for her death 

There is a thing called paradoxical undressing in cases of hypothermia. She may have removed her jacket and stuff because of that.

Possibly, a combination of alcohol and poor judgement led to her getting lost, then paradoxical undressing was
what killed her. Or maybe she was just unlucky. Either way, I thought that her body was strangely beautiful - the way her body is stretched out, with her head tilted upwards and her eyes closed, reminds me of the
ecstatic pose of an anatomical venus.
My thought, too.

Seems likely. I wonder if she got lost and then just kept getting colder and colder. How terrible

Alcohol is very likely. Alcohol doesn't actually make you warmer. It just makes you FEEL Wwarmer; she could have been out somewhere, like leaving a party, underdressed, and got overwhelmed with the cold without feeling it. Stopped to rest and was drowsy due to the alcohol. Nodded off, and that was it. That's something an autopsy will be able to tell for sure.

happens in nordics every year. usually it's someone pretty wasted, thinking they'll walk home, but they either fall or just pass out and the -20c night does the rest.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I assume happened, possibly with a touch of paradoxical undressing thrown in as the final nail in her coffin. At least it looks like she didn't suffer too much in the end. She looks very
